Monday, April 02, 2012

Misadventures in Biking

This'll be short. I went with some coworkers to ride on a path that I found on This path wasn't the best for bikes and it was really crowded. Aside from that, it's hilly and will definitely help one get acclimated to gears, etc.

I hate going up steep hills. I like them even less if I have to descend them. There was a REALLY steep one with a speed bump and I went down that hill extra slowly because I didn't want to burst my tire on that bump. I'm convinced that's why my coworker's tire went flat. Well there was another hill that I had to descend that wasn't as steep. There was a walker going down and a jogger coming up... I hit my brakes and my back tire jumped off the ground. If I hadn't been blessed to stop, that tumble would have been ugly and painful. I hope that never happens again.

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