Thursday, April 05, 2012


As a child, Easter used to be one of my favorite holidays. It wasn't because of the speeches, which I hated, or Jesus rising on the 3rd day (don't judge me). I loved Easter because of the new dresses (big, frilly and ugly) I would get, with socks to match, the basket and the eggs. I really thought I was styling and profiling in those awful dresses, sigh. 
I remember one Easter I got my hair pressed, with a comb, and got Shirley Temple Curls... this was my Grandmama's idea. I didn't like the heat that close to my head or face and needless to say the beautician burned me. 

Most Easters we went to visit my Grandmama and she and I would color real eggs... Do kids still do this today or do they just use plastic ones? I don't really like eggs, but it was fun to color them and go find them when my family hid them.  I don't remember how old I was, but I brought some eggs home and hid them under my bed because I didn't want my Dad to eat them.  In my extra young mind, they were too pretty to be eaten.  Well, I also was young and forgetful.  I forgot the eggs were under my bed. I think my Mom must have smelled them later and they were a rotten mess. Funny, I don't remember a smell. Oops. 

The baskets were another story... They were filled with junk that no kid needs, but oh were they fun! Bright colors, coloring books, stickers, candy... whaaaaa?! Loved them.  Loved them.  LOVED THEM!!! That's about all I remember, other than church and dinner afterward.

I wish everyone a happy Easter and enjoy the eggs if they're still done the old school way. 

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